Category : Source of Information
Subcategory : European Commission (EC)
Record 1 to 11 from 11

Environmental Education - Environmental education
 The establishment of the GRECEL project (Geological heritage: Research in environmental Education and Cooperation in European Level) developed from a desire to improve the understanding and conservation of Europe’s rich geological heritage, through education.
2. Environmental Economics:
Development - Sustainability - Sustainability - Economy - Development
 One way of using economics is to ensure that the costs and the benefits of environmental measures are well balanced. Although it is difficult to estimate costs and benefits, there is an increasing demand that this is done before new environmental policy is decided on a European level. The economic unit of Environment DG supports the technical units (dealing e.g. with air pollution, water pollution, waste, climate change etc.) in finding such information.
3. European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign Interactive:
Anthropogenic Environment - Healthy cities
 Campaign Interactive supports transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience in the field of urban sustainability and Local Agenda 21 in Europe, thereby helping implement the concept of sustainable development. It provides central access to comprehensive and up-to-date information relevant to all those working towards sustainability in an urban context. Campaign Interactive also fosters dialogue and the exchange of experience by providing opportunities for interactive communication between local authorities, networks and other organisations through the European Partner Search Mechanism and the many links.
4. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise:
Anthropogenic Environment - Noise
 The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise with the aim of providing a basis for a coherent, integrated EU policy on environmental noise. The proposal introduces measures to classify and understand the problems caused by noise, as a necessary step to preparing future concrete meásures to reduce noise pollution. The Commission is launching the idea of making EU-wide 'noise maps' based on common methods and indicators. These maps should be made available to the public. They should form the basis for development of action plans and strategies at local, national and EU levels to combat noise pollution.
5. Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL):
International Conventions - Law - Legislation - Environmental law (International Contracts)
 Triggered by a Dutch initiative, IMPEL was conceived at an informal meeting of the Community Environment Ministers in 1991 where it was agreed that: " would be desirable as a first step to establish a Network of representatives of relevant national authorities and the Commission in the field of enforcement, primarily aimed at the exchange of information in the field of compliance and enforcement, and at the development of common approaches at a practical level."
6. The European Commission : Maritime Transport:
Transports - Sea transports
 European Commission's site for Maritime Transportr
7. The European Commission : Air Transport:
Transports - Aviation transports
 The European Commission's site on Air Transport
8. European Commission : Transport:
Transports - Transports
 The European Commission's site for Transport.
9. Environment:
Political Ecology - Movements - Environmental Institutions (Political Ecology)
 European Commissions's site for the Environment.
10. Organic - Europe:
Development - Sustainability - Biological cultivation (organic farming)
 The internet site was set up by Stiftung Okologie & Landbau, Germany in 2000, and co-funded by the EU-Commision, Agriculture Directorate-General.
11. The Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use:
Biosphere - Decertification (Biosphere)
 Since 1989 the European Community has established and funded a number of international programmes of research to address the issues of desertification, or land degradation, and the increasing demand on water resources across southern Europe. MEDALUS has been one of the projects in this programme, (DGXII, Environment Programme) and has sought to improve understanding of a wide range of physical, environmental problems, and to suggest and develop options for their amelioration. Since its start in 1991, there have been three phases to the project the third of which ended in June 1999. The emphasis of the research has changed in each phase and the partners also changed to reflect this.

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